Playing 4 Health Success

21 May 2014
1 Minute
Over 80 local schoolchildren were put through their paces by LCFC in the Community coaches last week as part of the Playing 4 Health football festival in Aylestone.
Funded by Leicester city Council and Leicester Public Health, the festival presents young people with a comprehensive healthy living programme as well as celebrating the learning achievements of pupils. 

The LCFC coaches, along with the Club’s Futsal BTEC Scholars provided the children with a full programme of physical activities across a number of sports on the day, which proved to be an enjoyable one for all involved. 

Playing 4 Health aims to encourage a healthy lifestyle in schoolchildren between the ages of 10-11 by engaging them in sport, and aided by Filbert Fox and the hard work and dedication of the Club’s coaches, the message is certainly getting across. 

The youngsters were spread across five different primary schools - Fosse, Alderman Richard Hallam, Mowacre Hill, Forest Lodge and Stokes Wood – with all competing in activities ranging from small sided matches to shooting drills. 

Community Director Mick King said: “This is an excellent example of the high standards that our coaches aspire to. They serve to inspire the Futsal Scholars by mentoring them to coach the younger participants who see them as positive role models. The coaches and scholars have performed admirably on this project – we can be proud of their achievements.”