Leicester City in the Community Kicks Off 2019/20 Premier League Primary Stars

07 Oct 2019
3 Minutes
With the help of three partner primary schools, Leicester City in the Community marked the first Premier League Primary Stars event of 2019/20 on National Fitness Day last month!

- Leicester City in the Community's maiden Premier League Primary Stars event of 2019/20 is staged in north Leicester
- Coaches joined teachers to deliver an engaging health-centred session at Alderman Richard Hallam Primary School
- Premier League Primary Stars is designed to use the power of football to inspire children to learn and to be healthy
- Three partner primary schools also benefitted from the first of many regular sessions to take place in Leicester

Premier League Primary Stars, a nationwide initiative which uses the appeal of football to inspire primary schoolchildren, is a UK-based curriculum-linked programme supported by top-flight clubs.

With free lesson plans, inventive online resources and the chance to experience once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, it is designed to inspire the next generation to learn and live a healthy lifestyle. 

Throughout each season, Leicester City in the Community works closely with local primary schools to provide engaging and informative sessions to underline the importance of learning in school.

Last month, to celebrate National Fitness Day, Leicester City in the Community coaches headed to Alderman Richard Hallam Primary School to deliver the first of several regular sessions to pupils. 

Short and fun activities based around football are at the heart of the sessions, which last month also included children from fellow partner schools, Beaumont Lodge and Wolsey House.

Reflecting on Leicester City in the Community's maiden Primary Stars event of the season, School Sports Officer Ryan Bromyard outlined its importance to the Club's charitable arm.

"This is part of the events that we celebrate across all of our schools, all of our schools get access to events, whether it be in school, or at the stadium, or at the training ground," he told LCFC TV.

We hope it'll improve their fitness, their mental health and their wellbeing. It’s just a really good way to start the year and kick the year off with the Premier League Primary Stars project.

Ryan Bromyard School Sports Officer

"It’s targeted towards Year 6 because they really don’t get to do a lot after Christmas because of the SATS, so it’s a nice way to be with them and to celebrate fitness

"We hope it'll improve their fitness, their mental health and their wellbeing. It’s just a really good way to start the year and kick the year off with the Premier League Primary Stars project."

Ben Wells, meanwhile, a teacher at Alderman Richard Hallam Primary School, also explained the beneficial impact Leicester City in the Community and Premier League Primary stars has on his pupils.

"Days like this are particularly important to our school," he said. "We really like having the kids being active, get them running around, and obviously National Fitness Day is a big part of that PE curriculum

Children enjoyed a host of sessions throughout the day, provided by Leicester City in the Community coaches.

"It's about getting everyone involved and trying to raise awareness about their health and their fitness as well as their mental wellbeing too.

"I think definitely in a day and age when there is so much screen time and people are watching TV on iPads and things like that, we definitely notice a difference in the kids’ fitness and the kids’ health.

"So having a whole day, where we’re promoting fitness and health and getting the kids as active as possible, running around, is fantastic and it’s really beneficial for them.

When they come in with the Leicester City badge on, the kids are enthusiastic, they’re motivated to do whatever it is they’ve got planned on the day, and all the lessons, everything they give us.

Ben Wells Teacher

"When they come in with the Leicester City badge on, the kids are enthusiastic, they’re motivated to do whatever it is they’ve got planned on the day, and all the lessons, everything they give us.

"They're outstanding lessons every time. We know the kids are benefiting, we know they’re getting a lot out of it, but on the flip side, the teachers working alongside them are learning from it as well.

"They’re professional development is growing as well. We try and include everyone as much as possible because fitness is something that should be inclusive and is something that is important for every child."

To learn more about Leicester City in the Community, please click HERE.