Leicester City in the Community

Leicester City in the Community Devise Virtual Engagement Plan To Continue Community Impact

The #Together1920 campaign, developed by Leicester City in the Community, focuses on engaging with a range of participants through technological means.

- Staff at Leicester City in the Community are continuing to work towards positively impacting a number of people across the region
- Face-to-face delivery has been replaced by virtual interaction
- Dubbed #Together1920, projects cover writing postcards to older City fans, to providing work resources for schoolchildren
- In addition, staff are also volunteering with external organisations to help those in need

To adapt around the ever-changing situation in the UK regarding the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, LCitC have ensured their positive delivery and impact among so many people in Leicestershire continues.

Each project will have a virtual equivalent that will suit the needs of participants that are a part of them.

Here is a list of LCitC’s virtual engagement: 

- The Premier League Primary Stars team have created a unique work from home booklet which will have four new challenges each day.
- Premier League Inspires coaches are in contact with participants and schools providing them with individual support - and resources to work on - through one-to-one phone calls and emails  
- Each day, Inspires coaches will provide daily positive wellbeing and social action tasks for participants to complete
- LCitC have started running virtual football camps this week and have produced family physical activity cards to keep households active
- In Premier League Kicks, coaches are developing an inclusive eSports tournament across multiple games and gaming platforms
- Soccersize videos are being produced for Female Engagement participants to try at home
- Female Engagement will provide fortnightly videos focused on yoga, breathing exercises or kickboxing 
- Yoga videos are also in production for young, old and families
- Then, Now and Forever participants have been sent postcards in the post, and will be constantly checked upon through phone calls and messages
- Boccia challenges, steady steps instructional videos and a health and wellbeing workbook are also being developed for older participants and adults with disabilities
- Meanwhile, Football Welcomes participants, among many others, have been receiving regular online sessions.

As well as this continued support, 14 LCitC staff are currently out volunteering with 10 organisations that include Age UK, British Red Cross, St Matthew’s Big Local, NHS, Knighton’s COVID-19 Mutual Aid Group, The Trussell Trust, and Soar Valley College.

Keep up to date with the #Together1920 campaign from the Club’s charitable arm by following them on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.




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