Leicester City Football Club

Modern Slavery - 2021

This statement is made by Leicester City Football Club Limited (“LCFC”).

LCFC is a professional football club which plays its home matches at King Power Stadium in Leicester and participates in domestic as well as European club competitions.

We have a number of other business operations, including football operations, commercial partnerships, ticketing and retail. LCFC is dedicated to conducting its business consistent with the highest standards of business ethics. 

We have an obligation to our employees, shareholders, customers, suppliers, community representatives and other business contacts to be honest, fair and forthright in all of our business activities. 

In accordance with this ethical approach, we do not tolerate modern slavery or human trafficking in our organisation or in our supply chain. 

What is modern slavery?

Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. Modern slavery can take many forms, including forced labour, slavery, servitude and human trafficking. 

This crime can manifest itself in many ways, but what each of its forms will have in common is the exploitation of a person for another person or another person’s (or organisation’s) benefit. 

The UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 (“MSA”) consolidates anti-slavery and human trafficking offences into one piece of legislation. 

Under the MSA it is an offence to:

(a) Hold another person in slavery or servitude or require another person to perform forced or compulsory labour; 
(b) Arrange or facilitate the travel of any person across borders with a view to that person being exploited (i.e. conduct or be involved in human trafficking); or 
(c) Commit an offence with the intention to commit human trafficking. 

Our commitment to fighting modern slavery

We have a zero tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking, in all its forms, within our supply chains. 

We are committed to running our business in an ethical and lawful manner and, as such, all persons working for us and all persons in our supply chain, must comply with this policy and help us to ensure that modern slavery is not taking place. 

Our business and supply chain

Third parties in our supply chain include manufacturers of our licensed products and suppliers of merchandise, office equipment, software, food and beverages and maintenance, catering, advertising and design, photography, recruitment, travel and accommodation, utilities, consultancy and education and training services. 

We have recently carried out due diligence within our business to identify and assess those areas most at risk from slavery and human trafficking. 

We will review this assessment over time to ensure we continue to focus on the areas most at risk. 

Our anti-slavery policies and procedures

We recently reviewed our anti-slavery compliance procedures and have put in place an anti-slavery policy which we expect our suppliers, contractors and other business partners, as well as those working for us, to comply with. 

We have a whistleblowing policy in place to allow employees to help us tackle corruption and crime, including modern slavery. 

Employees, and anybody connected with us, are encouraged to speak up if they have concerns about slavery in our business or within our supply chain. We also only use specified, reputable employment agencies to source labour and always verify the practices of any new agency which we use before accepting their workers. 

Our suppliers

We have recently reviewed our anti-slavery compliance procedures. As a result, the contractual terms and conditions that we put in place with our suppliers are continually reviewed and updated to include provisions designed to ensure that any risks of modern slavery in our supply chain are appropriately and effectively addressed. 

We have updated our template licensing agreements, supplier agreements and other standard terms of business to include express terms requiring our counterparties to comply with all applicable laws relating to anti-slavery and human trafficking, to include similar requirements in their own contracts, and to notify us if they become aware of any slavery or human trafficking in their own supply chains. 

In addition, we require all current suppliers to make positive written affirmations that (i) they do not; and (ii) their direct supply chain does not endorse enable or facilitate human trafficking or slavery within their business, and we have built this requirement into our supplier process. 

Failure by a supplier to provide the positive affirmations described above will lead to an investigation and may result in the supplier’s contract being terminated. 

Failure by a potential new supplier to provide requested positive affirmations will disqualify them from becoming a supplier to us. 

Assessment of effectiveness

In order to assess the effectiveness of the measures taken by LCFC, we will regularly review and refine our policies and procedures in relation to modern slavery and human trafficking and will include updates on any actions we take in future statements. 

This statement is made pursuant to Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and sets out the steps taken by LCFC to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chain. 

Approved by the Board and signed on behalf of Leicester City Football Club Limited.

To request this statement in a different format, please click HERE.




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