Wanya Marcal-Madivadua, Jonny Evans & Victor Kristiansen

Foxes Trio Help Young Carers With Cooking Skills

Leicester City players Jonny Evans, Victor Kristiansen and Wanya Marcal-Madivadua joined a group of young carers at Sandfield Close Primary School for their life-skills cooking programme.

- Jonny Evans, Victor Kristiansen and Wanya Marcal-Madivadua support Young Carers Action Day event
- The players helped 15 children to improve their cooking skills as part of Leicester City in the Community’s Young Carers programme
- The project aims to support young carers by boosting their confidence, offering respite and instilling pride in their progress 

The trio, alongside Leicester City in the Community, helped 15 young carers aged between seven and 10 to boost their cooking skills as part of Young Carers Action Day.

Led by the school’s catering team, the young carers and Foxes alike made vegetable bolognese and cupcakes, as they learned how to weigh measurements, chop and mix ingredients, as well as develop other cooking abilities.

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Victor Kristiansen
Victor Kristiansen

The players helped 15 children to improve their cooking skills.

Taking place annually on 15 March, Young Carers Action Day calls for support and aims to raise awareness of young people across the country who have vital responsibilities and make massive contributions to their families and communities.

Speaking at the event, City captain Evans, said: “One of the young girls was telling me about some of the things she has to do to look after her family, and it’s inspirational really. 

“I have young children myself, and to imagine them having to do that is extraordinary, so a huge amount of credit must go to these kids and to the staff who do such amazing work with them.”

Funded by Leicester City Council, Leicester City in the Community help to identify and bring together young carers from across Leicester for an after-school club each week, with the aim of improving their life skills so that they can help their families.

As well as teaching them valuable life skills, the programme supports young carers by boosting their confidence, offering respite and instilling pride in their progress. 

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Jonny Evans
Jonny Evans

The project aims to support young carers by boosting their confidence, offering respite and instilling pride in their progress.

Young carer Frankie said: “The session helped me because my mum is poorly at home, and sometimes I need to cook for her, so I now know what to do and means I can help her out.”

The opportunity to engage with other participants has allowed for new friendships to be created, and for the young carers to enjoy new experiences such as bowling, attending a residential trip to Conkers and a visit to King Power Stadium.

A young carer is someone, under the age of 18, who helps to look after a relative with a disability, illness, mental health condition or drug/alcohol problem.

A more extensive definition can be found on the NHS website.

Please click HERE for further details about Young Carers Action Day.




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