Stadium Expansion


Frequently asked questions about the proposed King Power Stadium expansion and masterplan.

What is the total planned stadium increase and how has that capacity been chosen? 

The success of LCFC has resulted in the stadium being sold out for the majority of matches since 2014. The expansion of the East Stand will increase the overall capacity of the stadium by a quarter, to 40,000 seats.

Significant market research has been carried out to support these proposals, considering the full spectrum of fans and the required mix of additional seating and hospitality capacity.

40,000 is deemed to be the appropriate stadium capacity for the foreseeable future, however there is still scope for further expansion elsewhere in the stadium, if required.

This development of the stadium is not only about increasing capacity, it will also improve matchday and non-matchday experiences for all our fans, visitors and site neighbours.

What is your plan for crowd management for the expanded stadium?

Initial assessments show that, with crowd management and traffic management measures, road closures, and restrictions remaining in place as per the current arrangements, the proposals provide sufficient spectator circulation capacity around the stadium.

The initial assessments also show that the proposed East Stand expansion satisfies guidance (within the Sports Grounds Safety Authority’s Green Guide) and requirements for emergency evacuation scenarios.

LCFC’s project team is currently undertaking further assessments to measure the impact of the matchday crowd beyond the stadium in order to understand potential impacts on the surrounding highway network.

Have you considered safe standing? 

We recognise that safe standing is an important topic for supporters and one which LCFC is considering having already undertaken a study of rail seating, which included engagement with fans. We will undertake further fan consultation on rail seating in due course, in addition to our ongoing discussions with the relevant bodies including the Safety Advisory Group (SAG) and the Sports Grounds Safety Authority (SGSA).

What is the Club seeking to achieve with regard to fan experience - ticket mix, hospitality, season tickets etc.?

The Club is seeking to improve the overall experience for fans and visitors at every level, across all areas of the stadium.

In depth market research has been conducted with a wide range of our existing fans and stakeholders looking at enhancing services, pricing, and seat locations. This feedback has been key and will be incorporated into the ticketing mix and offerings.

The project will ultimately improve the matchday experience for everyone in the stadium and we will undertake further consultation with season ticket holders and fans in due course to discuss any implications for individuals’ seat locations and any necessary relocation within the new stand.

The proposed East Stand expansion provides additional accessible seating positions in line with the expanded capacity and current guidance. New facilities include a sensory room and adult change facilities.

What will be included in the new Fanzone?  

The creation of a Fanzone and public realm area is key to the overall masterplan and ties all components and activities together both physically, and from a design perspective.

While being both functional and aesthetically attractive, the Fanzone provides a number of opportunities to generate additional activity and revenues during both matchdays and non-matchdays, through:

• Pop up Food & Beverage and retail units
• Activation zone for sponsors and sampling
• Outdoor entertainment & events area
• Craft and weekend markets
• Digital signage and advertising
• Viewing area for Arena outdoor screen
• Overspill and outdoor area supporting sports bar in East Stand

It is anticipated that there will be a large video screen at the centre of the Fanzone, utilising the external wall of the Arena to provide a showcase opportunity for future events, match broadcasts and promotion.

What changes are you making to the Remembrance Garden and the Memorial Garden?

Both the existing Remembrance and Memorial gardens have been considered in the development of the masterplan and will be integrated into the redesigned site.

Will the stadium expansion improve equality, inclusion and disability access?

The expansion includes new elevated dedicated accessible viewing positions and a separate sensory room for both Home and Visiting fans. The sensory room has two sections. A section that provides an elevated view onto the pitch behind a screen and a quiet room section. This room is primarily for spectators with a wider spectrum of special needs/requirements.

The additional accessible seating positions are in line with the expanded capacity and current guidance. New facilities also include adult change facilities.

The new expanded East Stand turnstiles have dedicated accessible entrances and lift access is provided to all levels.

Will ticket prices rise to pay for the stadium expansion?

LCFC has held its ticket prices since 2014 and this is an area which is constantly being reviewed. As part of our market analysis, ticket pricing has been assessed to understand customer expectations, but the expanded stadium is not dependent on ticket prices being increased for existing categories of seating.

What is the justification for a 365-day a year leisure destination in this location?  

This new destination will not only increase economic activity and regenerate an area of the City that needs uplifting but will also create a new district that attracts both sports and non-sports visitors all year round.

Do the supporting masterplan uses proposed (a new event arena, hotel and residential) accord with the City Council’s planning policies?

In order to obtain the required planning permission all components of the masterplan must be approved by Leicester City Council (LCC). The adopted and emerging local plan provides a clear indication of Leicester’s ambition to enhance its profile as a sporting and cultural destination. It supports high quality mixed-used development, which contributes to providing homes, employment and leisure opportunities. Regeneration of the central areas of the city is a LCC priority, including the King Power site.

What’s going to happen to the national grid building?

In order for the masterplan to be delivered it will be necessary for the existing national grid building to be demolished. This would be the subject of its own separate planning application.

Is there a transport management plan for the expanded Stadium on non-match days?

There will be a refreshed travel plan to reflect changes to the stadium and site.  However, the principles of the existing transport management plan will remain, with an emphasis on encouraging sustainable modes of travel and use of the city centre as a transport hub (bus and rail) which is within walking distance of the stadium.

How do the proposals fit with the emerging Leicester City Council tall building policy?

LCFC and its project team are working closely with LCC to ensure that the proposed masterplan for KPS meets local planning policies. Discussions with LCC have confirmed tall buildings would be appropriate in this location and therefore LCFC has proposed two new landmark buildings which we believe will improve the cityscape.

How does the masterplan take into account the Raw Dykes national monument?

The development will not have any direct impact on the Raw Dykes Scheduled Ancient Monument, but will affect its setting. The proposals provide opportunities to enhance the presentation and appreciation of the Raw Dykes monument. A new viewing area and interpretation material are proposed as part of the new public realm.

What opportunities will there be for local businesses?

A lead contractor is yet to be appointed, but one of the requirements placed upon them will be to showcase supply chain opportunities to local SMEs, working with the local Chamber of Commerce and other representative organisations to ensure local businesses can directly benefit from these plans at the earliest opportunity.

I’m a season ticket holder, how will the proposals impact me during and after construction? 

We anticipate that capacity will largely be maintained throughout construction.

Before completion of the project, we will consult with East Stand season ticket holders to discuss any implications for individuals’ seat locations and any necessary relocation within the new stand.

When will construction be complete?

The earliest possible completion of the new East Stand is summer 2024, with other buildings within the masterplan delivered after that.

Leicester City Crest





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